Gorgeous Blonde Manchester Elite escort Holly takes girl of the week title this week, a truly high class gfe manchester escort. Thank you Holly for being amazing..
Gorgeous Blonde Manchester Elite escort Holly takes girl of the week title this week, a truly high class gfe manchester escort. Thank you Holly for being amazing..
We appreciate your love for our team, so by all means if you would like to purchase any of our ladies a gift or tip any of our ladies it truly is appreciated. We are super lucky to have the most incredible team who have truly gone above and beyond to be the most Elite escorts in manchester this year
We love Manchester at Christmas, from football, to parties to the Manchester Christmas markets. We have the best ladies to accompany you to your event, or spend time with you before or after your event. December really is the best time of year to book an Escort in Manchester
Christmas is only around the corner, and as you know our fabulous team, like to limit their shifts to meet one date or perhaps two per shift, so we recommend if you are planning a party or night out and would like a Manchester Escort as your companion then contact us to plan ahead and pre-book.
We do work very differently to other establishments and our team of fabulous women are in charge of their own diaries, so whilst we may not be able to book you in straight away, we can ask your chosen Elite Escort if they would like to accept, and then we can get you booked in right away.
As an agency, yes we are known to be very tight with our recruitment, but we hold ourselves in high regard, and want the very best on our team that Manchester has to offer. Which includes Loyalty, dedication, hard work and a genuine desire to want to work in this industry.
Our ladies run their own diaries and accept which jobs they want, however we do prefer ladies who are 21+ and the reason for this is, going into this industry is a big life choice, and whilst we would never be detrimental to anyones decisions, it should be considered just how difficult this industry can be and choices should be because you want to do this role, and not because you feel pressured or just financial, as mental well being is key for a happy life.
We only recruit certain looks, ages and body shapes, because we know our clientele, and not going to ever mislead. We will give women we think would Suit our clients the opportunity, however if shoots or interviews are cancelled, we will disregard your application sadly, as reliability is key for a long lasting working relationship.
We are recruiting for our team now, remember one of the longest established MANCHESTER ESCORT AGENCIES, we are recruiting British women to be a part of our friendly team, choose when you finish..choose if you drive.. but more importantly you choose if you want the booking. We strive for equality, we focus on ladies feeling safe and making their own decisions in this industry.
As an ‘agency’ (we hate that term, we are a team) we don’t have a conveyor belt of women! We have an amazing group of women who all work together to keep the industry safe! We don’t fine each other, we don’t make each other see clients we don’t want to, and we care for each other. This leads to the most amazing positive mental attitude. We don’t stay open late normally close before 12, because we feel sleep is key, It is all these key ingredients that make Manchester Elite different and unique. We have always been known to have the best females in Manchester, because its not just about how the ladies look, its about health including mental health.. that’s the key..
Manchester Elite have always had the best girls across the northwest, and have the best escorts in Manchester ad Cheshire. Here at Elite we are not an agency as such but more so a team that work together. Jamie takes girl of the week this week… the perfect team mate and perfect Manchester escort
If you are looking to get into escorting. It is important to know where to look and how to keep yourself safe and grow a great future.
Escorting can be good fun, and enjoyable, but remember this all has to be on your terms.
We work very different to anywhere else at Elite, because we have experience on both sides of the fence.
Remember YOU are self employed… with any agency
Our agency rate has never changed since 2009, this is because any price increase is for our team members not the agency, to ensure they get the best money, for travel and self employed tax.
Remember not every agency is the same, and never ever feel pressurised. Never ever send nudes to work For an agency. Over the years we have heard horror stories of Male agents asking for ‘Test drives’ ‘Nudes’ – This screams danger and is disgusting behaviour.
Here at Elite we want to set a good work practise for all, its important, and we work for you, so remember where ever you work. YOU DON’T have to accept any job, you should never have ‘fines’ or threatened with removal etc if you want to finish early or not work.
Please ensure you support a good work ethic in this industry as women we need to set a tone, that our minds, bodies and lives are our main focus and well being is crucial.
Whilst we love our amazing team, past and present, sometimes some ladies aren’t cut out for this job, so sadly aren’t as busy as some of our superstars so often move to different agencies, and we wish them well, but being an escort is a package, and at Elite, we believe in showing clients and telling clients the full story. We don’t airbrush our images beyond recognition we like to ensure the lady you book, is the lady who arrives, and it is a competitive industry in Manchester..
And on the news of us getting rid of the Old… we will also be doing that with our brand new website which will be launching very soon for Manchester Escorts.