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Recruitment books open.. Please read

Yes it is a well known fact we are the hardest team to join in the northwest but for very good reason. We keep our numbers low for a reason, and we like each of our ladies to look different, as we see each other as healthy competition, and work completely as a team, women...

Escorts for Couples in Manchester

We appreciate it can be difficult to find the right escort for you and your partner, whether you’re regular bookers or just have curiosity as to what It would be like. Its a huge decision to introduce another person into your relationship, and here at Elite we like to help you get that decision right....

Christmas at Manchester Elite

We appreciate your love for our team, so by all means if you would like to purchase any of our ladies a gift or tip any of our ladies it truly is appreciated. We are super lucky to have the most incredible team who have truly gone above and beyond to be the most Elite...

Christmas in Manchester

We love Manchester at Christmas, from football, to parties to the Manchester Christmas markets. We have the best ladies to accompany you to your event, or spend time with you before or after your event. December really is the best time of year to book an Escort in Manchester

Why we are so strict on recruitment

As an agency, yes we are known to be very tight with our recruitment, but we hold ourselves in high regard, and want the very best on our team that Manchester has to offer. Which includes Loyalty, dedication, hard work and a genuine desire to want to work in this industry. Our ladies run their...

Escort Recruitment in Manchester

We are recruiting for our team now, remember one of the longest established MANCHESTER ESCORT AGENCIES, we are recruiting British women to be a part of our friendly team, choose when you finish..choose if you drive.. but more importantly you choose if you want the booking. We strive for equality, we focus on ladies feeling...

Why do Manchester Elite have the best Escorts in Manchester

As an ‘agency’ (we hate that term, we are a team) we don’t have a conveyor belt of women! We have an amazing group of women who all work together to keep the industry safe! We don’t fine each other, we don’t make each other see clients we don’t want to, and we care for...

Escort Recruitment in Manchester

Ever wondered how to work as an escort in Manchester? We are a little different here at Manchester Elite escorts. We work as a team and every lady sets the rules! We have noticed awful changes in the Manchester escort market, and women. should be in charge always! It’s easy to apply on our website,...

Jamie at Manchester Elite

Manchester Elite have always had the best girls across the northwest, and have the best escorts in Manchester ad Cheshire. Here at Elite we are not an agency as such but more so a team that work together. Jamie takes girl of the week this week… the perfect team mate and perfect Manchester escort